Dunes: bar top


Epoxy coated bar top 36” wide x 78” long
Woods include red oak, Kentucky coffee tree, cherry, spalted birch, and sassafras bar rails.

The 3D effect is caused by the way light reflects off the alternating grain direction which changes from piece to piece.

Inspired by David Mitchell of Ojo Caliente , New Mexico.


beautiful, great looking piece

Very nice effect. Well named.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Amazing. You outdid yourself on That one! And nice that it was inspired by David Mitchell, too.

Might As Well Dance : http://barbsid.blogspot.com/

awesome! The effect is outstanding.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

That is just fantastic. Amazing job!

Well done.
Drunken chevron only nicer.


I'm no rocket surgeon

what a beauty, your example is one of the best, he has inspired many…

"the grizz" [''''']

Definitely an eyetwister, and it lives up to its name.

Very nice work.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

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