Workshop tour challenge Well here is my shop. I started feeling better finally so, I decided to clean up the shop before taking the pictures. I sta...
OK, I hope when you read the title you will do so with low expectations of what is to follow. Anything appearing to be strange, chalk it up to a ro...
Throw me in for a chance at the $100. Not much to show here compared to some of the ones I’ve seen. My shop is about 10′ × 20′ with a 7’ ceiling. P...
Nothing much to see except a mess. I’m not nearly as organized or clean as I’d like to be. My shop is a single car garage, about 10 ft wide by 14 f...
My shop is a 24 × 24 two car garage I built about 7 years ago it used to hold my three mustangs but I got over my obsession and moved on. It’s a me...
It seems that workshop postings have slowed down considerably since Steve posted his. I can’t compete with his, but I’ll show (parts of) our worksh...
My shop is nothing big but it gets the job done, of course unless I am working on a big project then its waiting until a nice day to work outside. ...
A tour of the shop that I built into the basement last winter. Started with bare concrete walls and finished with what you see here. George Sherwood