This series of blog posts describes the design, planning, and construction of the giraffe bookcase I built in 2021 for my daughter, son-in-law, and...
The final woodworking step was attaching the legs to the case. As with everything else, I used dowels. The front legs were straightforward. I used...
Hello, I am new here.... Site pointed out by Dutchie Patterns! Retired for 10 years and do a lot of model building.. Mainly models from Toys&Joys a...
You may have seen the preparation involved to construct the Double radius feature at the back of the cabinet top. Here it is sitting in place. [IMG...
 First up No its not a new fangle-dangled revolutionary string jacks? Its a simple platform I made to maneuver projects on in and out of the gara...
I've never done a blog before and I don't know if this is the right way to do it, so here goes. As my friend LBD would say “Hello boys and girls”....
This is something that I've wanted to build for a while for my small shop, but never got around to it until now.  I kind of forced my own hand by f...
Like some others out there, I've started learning how to use Onshape.  I'm still coming up-to-speed, but I really like its parametric modeling -  b...
Hi all, it's great to see so many people from LumberJocks coming to Craftisian and joining our site. Welcome! I am well aware of the recent abrupt...