How to Build a Chevalet From Scratch

6 entries

1 How hard can it be?

2022: This blog is over ten years old and covers the build of my first chevalet. These links will update all the improvements: https://craftisian.c...

2 Blade Clamps, Sliding Mechanism and Adjusters

IMPORTANT NOTE: Almost everything on this page has been improved and updated in my second build , Chevy II I am leaving this blog intact as a r...

3 Some Chevalet Modifications A New Friend

There are two stories here that can't be separated from each other so I'll tell them together. One is about the first modifications to the Cheval...

4 Another Little Modification

This is a bit of the fine tuning I knew awaited me once I started getting into the chevalet. My original (re-invention of the wheel) blade clamps...

5 Finishing Up, Refining the Prototype

When I started to build the chevalet from a few photos on the internet, I wasn't at all sure it would amount to anything at all so in many places...

6 New Improved Chevalet Sketchup

I have improved a fair bit since I posted the initial SU of the chevalet. In fact it was my very first attempt and it was, in a word awful. I may ...