How to Build a Chevalet From Scratch #6: New Improved Chevalet Sketchup


This is part 6 in a 6 part series: How to Build a Chevalet From Scratch

  1. How hard can it be?
  1. Finishing Up, Refining the Prototype
  2. New Improved Chevalet Sketchup

I have improved a fair bit since I posted the initial SU of the chevalet. In fact it was my very first attempt and it was, in a word awful. I may not be a pro yet but at least this SU can be pulled apart and measured.
There's no need for further explanation except top say that this chevalet as drawn can be set up for a seat to blade height from about 22" to about 25". That should accommodate almost everyone.

EDIT: Here's an even better one with a "dimensions" layer.

Thanks for looking


The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Sorry s'w' I drive a Honda, not a Chevie and get it serviced by the supplier.

This addition is neat... Martin mentioned this feature...

I can design in SU, but for online/WEB stuff I'm a real noob...

Mailed Martin, however, he has better things to do than teach me basics.  Any more detailed suggestions of how you got from the warehouse to here?
I had this model that I tried to link... (its a biggie),

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD