Coffe Table

6 entries

1 Sketchup Template

Intro: I have seen the work of Enrico Konig and l like several of his pieces. I particularly like this coffee table I had thought about it a bit. I...

2 Cutting the Template

In this installment of the blog I will be cutting the template. The rib cage will depend on it. I used my home made beam compass to layout my arcs ...

3 Cutting the ribs

In the previous blog in this series, we left of with the template ready. Once I had the template it just a matter of tracing the pattern and the pr...

4 Rib Cage Glue Up

In the previous installment of this blog, I left off with the ribs cut and pattern routed. It is time to glue them up. I decided that the first 5 r...

5 Covering the rib cage with 1/4 " plywood

In my last blog on the coffee table, I had the rib cage all glued up. Right after that was done I moved to install the 1/4 inch plywood. This blog ...

6 Installing the 1/8 Ply

In the 5th installment of this blog I glued up the 1/4 inch Ply. Now it’s time to install the 1/8 ply. I finally found a local source for bendy Ply...