card scraper sharpening


So a while back I bought a card scraper. Two weeks ago I bought a burnisher Rockwell 65. Now I have been watching many YouTube videos on sharpening the card. I tried one suggestion and it failed. So back to YouTube I went try the next. Humm same results. Well I finally landed on Marc Spagnola’s YouTube chanel who I already subscribe to and watched his demonstration. First I file it back square, then I polish the end then with the scraper flat I start a bur. Then stand it up and roll the burr. Now this is pretty much what I have watched on YouTube except for marc laying his flat first to start the burr. Now im saying that I failed on marcs YouTube advice because all I get is a very tiny burr that dont produce any shavings. All I get is scratches in the wood.
SO, I am calling upon you my fellow woodworkers to help me in fine tuning my inexperience in card sharpening. What am I missing in all of this?

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

31 Replies

I am on the same side as you Jeff.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

You may be trying too hard. All I do is run the edge over a clamped file a couple of times freehand and then roll a little bur on the edges by clamping the scraper and running two or three times over each edge at a slight angle. I get lots of fine shavings. The more pressure you use with the burnisher, the more aggressive the burr.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

That’s a great video.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Okay I watched the video and im going to try this. Thank you

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Also try to bow the scraper slightly when you scrape the more you bow the deeper the shaving


Just a quick thought, preparation was the key for me. Also (like shipwright said) I was trying way too hard to turn the burr. Its small, just enough to catch a finger nail.

Let us know when you have success.

I will ill try this on Thursday for i needed to take a day off to get personal stuff done. And thank you all for your help. Ill try and take a picture of my success.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Just an update… i finally did get that burr. I was trying to hard. I finally figured out not to press so hard with the burnisher it needs to have just the right amount of pressure and the angle. One thing i figured out is don’t pull towards you after pushing away. That was the mistake i did. But thanks to you guys and the video Tim.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

I want to get one of these. I saw a set of 6 on amazon for $12 (shop fox). I have a question about the burnisher. The ones I saw on amazon are fairly expensive. Is there any reason I could not just use a piece of steel rod from the hardware store? Or even a piece of brass rod I already have in my garage?

Losing fingers since 1969

I bought a set of scrapers, and a burnisher after watching a demo video on YouTube about 3 months ago. After wasting considerable time and effort trying to perfect my methods, i set them aside, I don’t know where they are now and I don’t want to know. Haha. What’s your address Brian, I will mail you mine, seriously.


I will send you a pm. Thank you!

Losing fingers since 1969

This is a wooden device I bought with mine that locks the blade into place at the right angle and it makes it a lot easier on your hands. Found it a Woodcraft.


Looks very comfy to use.

Losing fingers since 1969

Brian, that burnisher in your wife’s knife set will work just fine.

I bought mine from woodcraft. I bought a Rockwell hardness of 65. That way it was harder than any card out there. I thought original I could use an end of a file but the card was harder than the file and actually cut the file when I first bought the card. Lol
Jack I really like that I think im going to try and actually make one first.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Woodpecker, the one in my wife’s knife set is actually a sharpener. It’s fluted slightly kind of like a file but the rows run down the length of the shaft. I’m really in the dark about this stuff. Would that make a difference? The ones I saw are all very smooth and polished.

Losing fingers since 1969

Smooth and polished is what you want Brian

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Some people mentioned drill bits and screw drivers for the burnisher.
I am about to try it the coming weekend.

I like that card holder jack. I think I am going to make myself one. For the only time I used the scraper, my hands were not happy at all.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I used to get by with drill shanks. They will do but a good burnisher makes a huge difference. I bought one from Hock Tools and made my own handle. Now the burrs just roll effortlessly and the shavings are completely controllable.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.