Woodworking This & That #1: Woodworking Tools


This is part 1 in a 3 part series: Woodworking This & That

  1. Woodworking Tools
  1. Woodworking Tools

A friend of mine is in the process of going through, selling, and discarding everything from her grandparents’ “3 generation farm”.

Can you imagine the monumental task she has?

She has gotten to her grandfather’s garage and tools were the next to be gone through.

Rick and I went over yesterday, and went through what she had left. We got some shovels and forks for the garden and Rick got some drill bits and …

for the past couple of years, he has been wishing that he had a little oil can. Guess what he got yesterday? Not one, not 2, not 3, but 4 little oil cans that he has already stashed away and I don’t have a photo…

And …
When I said that my friend had some tools to sell, he asked if she had a brace and bit. She didn’t think so, but in a drawer, guess what she found? Oh yes!! Rick is very happy.

And, then, he found these and they came home with us

That axe is beautiful!!! Does it have a special name? I don’t know.

What is special, for me, is that I get to continue the story of these tools that once belonged to my friend’s grandfather. His story lives on through these tools. The tools’ stories live on.

Here, at Craftisian.com, I love seeing woodworking projects and blogs where woodworkers restore old tools and bring them back to looking like nee, given them a new life, and honouring the past.

These tools probably won’t get any special care but they will be used and we will remember “grandpa” when we do.

What would you do with these tools?

- Debbie 

(Oh and I got some old enamelware bowls and baking pans, which just need some cleaning up and I will be keeping their stories alive in my kitchen!)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Well done, bringing old tools back to life can be rewarding, going back to a simpler lifetime.

Main Street to the Mountains

It is rewarding, isn’t it! 

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Cool! I believe that axe is known as "Rick's Axe"

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

This sort of thing is my favorite tool story. I have many tools from family members that were going to be dumped and I was able to save them. 

Jerry-Holland Mi

That is a good thing, saving the memories.

Main Street to the Mountains

Great story. I like to call finds like that as recovered with love, and affection. Very similar to finding a Puppy, hardly any way it can go wrong. :-)
Finding a puppy - great way to describe it

That was the look on Rick’s face :) 

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit