Where I'm at on the bench.


Just a quick note where im at. So far I have taken raw hickory that was stright line ripped and skipped planed to the mitersaw made all my rough length cuts. Hit the jointer then the thickness planner and took the wood that will become my raised panel doors to a thickness just a hair less than 7/8". Then I glued up the panels. After the panels were dry, I scraped the glue and ran them through my 24" drum sander to 40 thousands over 13/16". This included all the rails and styles. This way all the parts will be the same.
Next, I cut everything to their final demension’s and ran them through the router table to give the profile.
I had to quit before I did any panels to spend time with my family. However, im posting the pictures I have and will do another update soon.

I use PVC pipe to keep the wood all in the same plane and it makes it easier to clamp.

Below is a dry fit of rails and styles on one raised panel door. I’m making four raised panels.

Oh I picked up my ear plugs Friday night.
Thanks for following!

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

I see some nice results already.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thanks Ianwater. Im working hard on it.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Looking good Jeff. Great score on the ear plugs too.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Very nice wood and work Jeff. Those earplugs look pretty slick compared to those cigarette butts.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Beautiful craftsmanship Jeff, it’s going to be really nice. So glad you are feeling better my friend.


Nice door Jeff! Those plugs are dandy.


Thanks guys. The hickory I hand picked does look nice. Im going to be finishing up the doors hopefully by monday. Been really busy with the family this weekend. Trying to get my teens to be a bit more active rather that lying in bedcall day watching videos andvor playing Xbox 10 hrs a day. Lol. This week I am also taking a trip to the lumber mill and going to start searching for the wood for my drawer fronts. Im completely out of hickory.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Thanks TonyCan i spent 1 hour in the shop today and finished the panels. Now onto sanding and glue up. Will be taking pictures and updating soon.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"