Clock build (grandchildren) #2: Clocks are getting done


This is part 2 in a 2 part series: Clock build (grandchildren)

  1. Clock (Grandchildren )
  2. Clocks are getting done

Well here is the 4 Clocks that need to delivered. All the Numbers and names of the customers grandkids are laser engraved to a depth of 1/16" +. Main clock is Maple wraped in Cherry. Two coats of tung oil then in the numbers and names I dripped in minwax Early American stain to darken. Then let set for two days and sprayed two coats of laquare. Installed hardware and tested. All tick. “There Alive” lol. I have one more to finish…Well heres the pictures.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Beautiful job Jeff (grandad).


They look great.

Losing fingers since 1969

These are very nice keepsakes for the families you build them for.

Created with Love by Tomas

Those are great, just beautiful very good creativity

Thank you for your compliments means alot.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Beautiful clocks …The engraved names is a brilliant idea ! Well done !

Measure "at least" twice and cut once