Opinel Knives


My Favorite Tools

Opinel knives.
I first saw these folding knives on a French sailing boat in the Canary Islands. On board the vessel (homemade from steel) they had these knives, absolutely beautiful, made from a very good steel alloy, not good in a salt environment, but worked well if you wiped them with olive oil. These knives make perfect shop knives, and all purpose pocket knife, on the same scale as the Swedish Sløjd knife.
Of the knives shown,the large ones are # 10’s and the smaller are # 8’s. These knives are made in France, and are sold through Amazon and others.

I now have several of these. Now there is a INOX (Stainless Steel) version of the knives. I just bought some and will let you know they perform. At about US$ 12.00 each, I think that they are a bargain.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

I was tempted, then I stopped.

What one do with so many knives?

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

A guy can never have too many knives!
Those look like good ones!
Thanks for sharing that!

Steve Tow

Nice. I bet they each have there own feel for what you’re doing.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

What will you do with so many Mads? At least you won’t have to sharpen so often, just change knives.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Two are in the kitchen, one in the shop and one for my friend. How many chisels do you have?

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Now it make sense
I have 13 chisels for now. Slowly expanding my hand tools.
Trying to spread the cost overtime.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I have 16 chisels Madts, maybe over half of them duplicate sizes, so I get your point, but some of my earlier chisels were poorer quality than the newer ones. I admit that I also have quite a few different knives laying around too.

Mike, an American living in Norway