Craftisian Blogs

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I figured I would get my first post out of the way as the email I got said it would be delayed somewhat. I come from a family of craftsmen: my gran...
I was asked to share photos of my shop. This will take a little while to gather photos up. I wish I could go out and take a few right now but unfor...
Hello everyone I just became a member and love the site content as opposed to others, Woodwork is a hobby for me , I’ve been a full time machinist ...
We made it! Welcome to the New Year, and how exciting is that! Here at, we are kicking off 2015 with another woodworking Awards ...
In the 5th installment of this blog I glued up the 1/4 inch Ply. Now it’s time to install the 1/8 ply. I finally found a local source for bendy Ply...
The top, I thought should be better that the rest. I decided to attempt a compass star; I think that’s what it’s called. I took my last piece of 1/...
I wonder … what is the best/favourite item that you have ever made?
In my last blog on the coffee table, I had the rib cage all glued up. Right after that was done I moved to install the 1/4 inch plywood. This blog ...
First off, here’s a photo that shows why I like to use self adhesive shelf paper for initial assembly. It allows me to set the piece up with equal ...
In the last blog I was facing bubbles and a slew of problems. pictures of some problems below: I decided to rip it apart to find out the root cause...
Hi, my name is Jerry and I am new here. I live in Niagara Falls Ont. Canada and like you, I love making things with my hands and favorite power too...