Craftisian Blogs

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The building of the tail vise is not an easy accomplishment. I started to build the vise when I was invaded by the daughter and grand kids carving ...
With all the cutting and sand shading done and all the pieces properly organized, it’s time to have some fun. If you’ve done everything right up to...
Today I have been working on the basket bottoms. They are made from 2 pieces with a glue joint down the middle. The wood is pretty thin, about 5 mm...
I saw a picture of a pattern on google that I though would be fun to make. It looks like a rugby/American football ball in a square centered on the...
Work Bench Build #3 Wood Selection And Layout I got to use the bench to build a bench right away to lay out the boards for the top. But I removed t...
I had big plans for lots of progress today, but I wound up doing a lot of chauffeur work instead so I didn’t get into the shop until late afternoon...
Today I finished the scrolling and got the sides ready for the bottom panels. There are a some important points that are outlined below. GETTING&nb...
Adding those simple tags to your posts can be a tedious task at times. It’s an important task though, because relevant tags make your posts so much...
For over 15 years now I have been working out of my garage as a workshop without a carpenters vise or a dedicated carpentry space. The shop has pro...
Back to work on the project today after our thursday shopping excursion and getting a check up at the doctor (us old folks do a lot of that). After...
My workshop has served my family well. Now it is time to dedicate some space to woodworking. It can accomidate about 10 people in comfort watching ...
Just to let you know that I have posted the photos in my Christmas basket blog which were missing.