Craftisian Blogs

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This one took 3-4 days to restore but wow, what a restoration! Now, conventional wisdom on the YouTubes says to use a metal countersink to sharpen...
For $4, a rusty old cast iron screw hole punch. Thought this was pretty fancy pants, so figured I would give restoring it a go [IMG_7367.jpeg][IMG_...
Found this. What luck, because I could use it. Got it for $8. It’s missing one of the 6 guide sizes, hope that doesn’t become a bother. Original b...
I was at salvage right when they opened. I saw a new face. A tower of a man with a full head of fluffy white hair. Must have been over 7-feet tall ...
A file without teeth? A blunt chisel? I say a metal scraper. Only cost me $2 — didn’t pick up anything else.  [IMG_7704.jpeg][IMG_7707.jpeg][IMG_77...
The strong back is built with a top and bottom layer of OSB and a frame between them. This yields a very stiff structure that will maintain flatnes...
Purchased from Urban Ore for $4 [IMG_7634.jpeg] Here is the before: [IMG_6750.jpeg] Here is the after: I disassembled it, cleaned it, polish...
The neighbor restores furniture and sells it at fairs. She picked up some ratty rattan chairs where the webbing was gone. I said I could make her ...
Picked this up for $4. Saw it on scoutcrafter’s channel a few days after it arrived at my local salvage. He’s on the East coast and nowhere near me...
Saw this and knew it was worth the $25 they were asking. Sure enough, these go for $55 new on eBay. Here I snagged it for less than half with zero ...
I bought a Lost Art Press engraving tool a while back. The short metal handle works fine for putting it into a compass, but for freehand use, it’s ...
Before testing I took the covers off. Tires were pretty gummed up. So I grabbed my Red Devil scraper and spun the wheels while holding the scraper ...