Mushroom planter stand


I had some plywood circles left over from another project and I just can’t stand throwing anything away. I was chatting with a buddy who picked them up and sort of put them together and jokingly asked if I was going to make a table out of them. Eureka!

The circles are about 10" across. The first thing I did was flatten one side on the mitre saw. I couldn’t figure out how to push it straight through the table saw but the mitre saw worked great. After I got one straight side I cut it to size on the table saw. I also notched the legs so they fit together like Lincoln logs. I’m not sure what that kind of joinery is called.

Then I edge banded all of the exposed edges.

The top, being a circle, needed a butt joint to the edge banding. How’s that for butt joining? No filler needed. :-)

The rest was just gluing up, sanding and painting. I screwed the legs to the top and filled the holes.

So there you go. Turning trash into something useful. It may not be the most complicated project ever, but my wife loves it so I’m very happy with the outcome.

Losing fingers since 1969

Awesome, great finish. Projects don’t need to be complex. Using scraps, making someone happy; doesn’t get any better.

The joint is called half-lap.


I am glad you did not throw them away.

It looks great and the finish gives it a feel of bright and fresh.
I love it.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I thought half lap and ship lap were the same. I guess not. Thanks for the info.

I used oil paint for the red top. I figured it would hold up better to a planter that gets watered and prone to leak once in a while. Also a scrap left over from stenciling some fire doors at work. Scraps for the win!

Losing fingers since 1969

these are SO SO SO cute.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

I am a child of the sixties so…… it !

Wow cool design.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker