veritas router plane box

Project Information
this is a project inspired by LBD or little black i dont have the high tech shop with cnc,lasers and 3d printers he has so i had to rely on mere mortals tools to do mine-lol.i wanted a box to keep my veritas router plane and all the accessories together so when i saw duckie's i knew that was it.the box is made from scraps of maple,bubinga and mahogany.corners are box jointed.i made the box then band sawed the top off.the finish is my go to maloof not big into putting tools into boxes but some like this with accessories just need why not make it a nice one.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.


Nice storage Pottz! Mine is unceremoniously hung on the tool wall.

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Excellent pottz!  My router plane hangs on my till but I've been needing to move it off so I can put some block planes on the till in that spot.  I also have a few other combination/rabbet/fillister planes that need some better housing than the drawers in which they currently reside...  Good food for though!
That looks great, pottz! From the few Veritas tools I've seen, they're worthy of upgraded storage.
hey nothing wrong with hanging above the plane till,easy access when you need it.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Ron, my experience with the Veritas tools has been top notch. Big fan of the PMV11 steel too. 👍🏼

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

thanks norman.
 Ron, my experience with the Veritas tools has been top notch. Big fan of the PMV11 steel too. 👍🏼 
i love their tools, top quality.ive got their spoke shave set also.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I’ve got a couple of their saws, that router plane and blades, their #4 1/2 bench plane, plus some other odds and ends. Not cheap, but I feel they’re solid ‘old world’ products made with the best current technologies. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Nice box. Doesn’t look plane to me. Looks pretty sweet! 😉

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

ha ha thanks paul.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice job - awesome tools deserve awesome storage.
Nice box, and perfect storage for the router plane. So, you do have some planes.

Main Street to the Mountains

 Nice job - awesome tools deserve awesome storage. 
thanks steve.
 Nice box, and perfect storage for the router plane. So, you do have some planes. 
ok ill admit i do go to the "dark" side sometimes -shhhh !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Look at that. Mr anti hand tools has one hell of a router plane. Nice box there Pottz
and ive actually used it at least once........i think !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice box for something never
For the life of me I can't figure out what those arrow/stick things on top of each bit are? I can see a shadow but just can't figure it.
What is that thing anyway?  Looks like you attach a router to it...

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

i think you mean the blade ? each one is a different size.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I get that they represent the different sizes,  I just can't make out what they are.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

They’re blades. They’re being stored upside down. They look more like this when right side up…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

OK,  I guess my ignorance is showing.  (embarrassed face here)  :)

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.