Bench Hooks

Decided I needed some bench hooks to cut some stuff out with the jig saw and to drill holes. Made these out of scrap wood around the shop and coated them with BLO to seal them. Added eye hooks on one end to hang at the end of one of my work benches. Put wings on them to stabilize them side to side a little.



Nice job on the hooks, they even have a nice place to live.
Don't try to tell us you work in that shop, it's too clean.
Be careful, there is something dressed in camo, right next to your bandsaw. Can't be too careful. ;-)

.................. John D....................

Great idea, and very useful.

Main Street to the Mountains

Nice idea! and I like you know already where to store them! I make things while I don't have a space for them and ....
No wonder your shop is clean and organized!

No name noobie here

awsum55 - Thanks, I had just cleaned the shop after tripping on something, I have a fairly new hip and can't afford to mess it up, so I now keep the shop cleaned.

Eric - Thanks for the comment, greatly appreciated.

YRTi - Thanks, these did set around for a little time until I decided what to do with them.

Those are a good idea,  I can see a lot of times I could use them.  
Nice work,  thanks for sharing

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Great tools. I made a couple as extensions to a wider bench hook that serves as a shooting board and miter station. I use it more than I thought I would!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Bentlyj - Thank you for the comment.
RyanGi - I figured I wouldn't use them that much, I now use them all the time.
Looks like many experienced are on the same page...

Call me thick 52... I laser in MDF and make puzzles? I pretend to be a woodie but my claim to fame is that woodie that disappoints.

Where/why would you use them...  

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

LBD - I like to use them to drill holes, cut with a jig saw, stuff like that. Slap them on any table and the front hook grabs on and drill or cut between. I have also used them to plane smaller parts with. The back lip grabs the material and keeps it from sliding off. I have also used them on my decks and the tailgate on my pickup, keeps me from moving clamps everywhere. Mainly keeps your project or whatever off the table so you have a little workspace under it.  Mike

..... I like to use them to drill holes, cut with a jig saw, stuff like that. Slap them on any table.... 

Thanks mel... Fortunately I'm one of those lucky suckers that forked out too many shekels for a now discontinued Fe$tool VACSYS....  all the smart ones could make good use of these.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Great project....very practical!!!