Golf Ball in Wood Block

Had seen this done by a few others and on YouTube. Decided to try it myself. I had some 2X2 inch Poplar that I cut down to 1 3/4" X 1 3/4" and cut them to five inches in length. I set up a quick jig on my drill press and used a Forstner bit to hog out most of the wood and finished it on my osc. spindle sander. The slots are 1 1/4" wide and 3 1/2" in length. Golf balls are 1 7/8" dia. Already gave a couple away and had one destroyed by a weak-minded friend of mine trying to force the ball out, didn't know how it was put in. I tell everyone that there are NO cuts, breaks, glue or anything used to get the ball in. I covered the ball with tape before inserting it in. Then a couple coats of lacquer, 0000 steel wool to buff, then peeled tape off. Lacquer is pretty tough stuff, didn't think I was ever going to get the tape off. Since it is sealed, it would be a little harder to get out. Mel



Always liked the magic golf ball project!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I know the secret.   The tree the wood came from ate golf balls.  Simples.

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter

Nice Mike, a great gag gift to drive folks crazy.

Main Street to the Mountains

Dandy puzzling majic build, good work Mel.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

I would like to try this sometime you did GR8 JOB 😍😎


A friend gave me one of those a few years ago. I keep meaning to look up how it is done. Thanks for the reminder!


Did that ball appear in the tree when you cut into it?? I have one of those and stump all the kids at the craft shows with it, Nice work on it...........Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

WildBrianWood - I could tell them I got the wood from our local golf course. There are people here that would actually believe this.
Eric - Thank you. I have a friend in another town that may have me making a bunch of them. He is their golf course manager, planning to stamp the course name on them for their tournaments etc. 
oldrivers - Thanks for the comment, greatly appreciated.
GR8HUNTER - The first one took a while to set up everything, after that they were a breeze to make. 
Foghorn - Thanks for the comment, they are actually kind of fun to make.
JimJakosh - Thanks, I have more fun watching the adults trying to figure it out.
Nice work on them and all the curves
Corelz125 - Thank you for the comment, greatly appreciated.
They came out very nice. That would be fun to sell some to the golf course.
What brand of ball are those with the word Juice on them? Nike?

.................. John D....................

awsum55 - I have no idea of the brands, I swiped them from his shop at the course. I have never played golf in my life and really don't want to learn. I just fish the river that runs through it.

Cute....I like those puzzle projects...


Thanks Ivan, and they are pretty easy to make.

You are a Magician....very clever!!!!
What kind of club do you need to get them out. Asking for a friend.