Yin and Yang of Dim Sims…

Boy and Girls,
Amongst all those dodggy avatars here at Craftisian. there seems to be a swag of pussies lurking behind them.  
In order to embrace their sensitive side, I decided to migrate this project from LJ that was original posted on 6th. November, 2021.

The large one is 290mm while the smaller ones are 90mm (in diameter).

Just realised that if I wanted to be slack, all I'd need to do is engrave the "dark 1/2" and Timbermate backfill... would be quicker and I wouldn't need to worry about inlaying (keeping track of the small pieces) and  the black stain infecting my clear buffing pads... hmm, next project. 
Boy and Girls,

While it is highly rumoured that the delicious Dim Sims 

 were an Australian invention made up of cats… these two cats are not as dim as they sim.

A cat lover friend came across this Steve Good design he called (search for) Cuddling Cats and she insisted on a laser cut version. Still reeling from the promise of a cask of vino for my Concentration game, I thought that with our 6th. C19 lockdown recently lifted in Victoria (one week ago), I could now travel and kick her door down if she reneged again.
My first attempt was simply a 300mm diameter disc engraved and cut as one piece
 (excluding the stand),
which was gratefully accepted, yet that elusive vino remittance is still outstanding that expeditious acceptance.
 And one for the non cat lovers that have bothered to get this far,

Forever considering miniaturisation, I considered mixed colours rather than just engraving… Did a trial cut and found that the two "cats" were not an exact duplicate of each other. I did some crafty manipulation in CorelDraw to rectify that… not that I'm bragging as I'd never lower myself to highlight my humble, supreme, silently private, superhuman achievement, 

 for anyone that may be interested. 
 The update of the design should be available in one of my links I'm sure to mention somewhere below.
 Stained a sheet of 3mm MDF black and cut a number of patterns out of both stained and unstained MDF.

The unstained version had to be "assembled" 
for sanding
and then the sawdust had to be pressure blown away without turning the small pieces into flying projectiles,

It was then a case of assembling the two contrasting pieces,

using an oversized rim and spare base plates to keep everything together,

before applying the glue to the base plate,
and flipping using the same method
before adding weights.
 The next decision was finishing. Personally, I don't like oiling MDF (tung, BLO or even shellac) as they tend to darken the MDF. 
 The first option was buffing… I was concerned that the black stain would smudge onto the raw MDF. I tried a pair and while it was acceptable, 

(the 50¢ is for size comparison… though it may not be of benefit to the zillions of non-Australian viewers).
It was not my preference.
The next option was to varnish. Fearing a repeat of the stain transfer, I opted for a spray on matt finish,

While that provided some protection for the MDF, I have become accustomed to the shine of buffing and found the matt finish not as appealing… at least to my wog tastes. Tried wipe-on-poly,
that for some reason (probably my technique) wasn't inspirational.
I then tried some gloss spay-on and not realising it was "ultra", it was a bugger to work with, picking up and highlighting every speck of dust in my "pristine" workshop, after many coats with sanding in between, I was at least content with the result,

 The next option was either satin or gloss, however, I ran out of cats and didn't want to open a new can of spray for what will eventually be give aways.

Out of curiosity I had a go at a pair/pair made out of "solids"… not sure of the timber I found, however I call it BOOMSB (Board Out Of My Scrap Bin)… 
I placed a black stained rim around these ones,
which I shellacked… just brushed on and not Frenchied,

To complete the small ones, I made some "disc stands" based on one of SWMBO's plate stands out of 6mm MDF which I stained in a contrast to the outer rim of the small disc,
without the hinges. Light stand for the black rim and vice versa,

Initially I glued the stand halves together to form a 90° stand,

however, in keeping with my giveaway freebie policy, I decided to keep them as two pieces to be secured by 2×2mm dowels (toothpicks) 
to maintain their flat pack status,

No video was created, however, files can be downloaded from this link.

Steve Good's original PDF can be downloaded from this link after entering "Cuddling cats" in the search field.

Keep safe, jocks... and your jocks, safe!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Yin & Yang with cats, nice LBD.

Main Street to the Mountains

Somehow I missed these on the other site.  This is very cool both in design and execution.  I can see them being very popular.
Those are great, LBD! Your improvements on the original pattern are very noticeable—smoothness in the tail, etc. 
Really a sharp looking project. Thanks for showing.  Mike
Nice write up and how to.   Like the result.  


Woah, that’s very cool!

~ Mystery by Design ~

An awesome encore repost Duck, always liked this one for some reason. Maybe it's your doggedness in pursuit of perfection and harmony? 

Don't be surprised if someday this shows up on one of my projects, selfshily reproduced with a token tip of the hat to you, then shamelessly sold for a loss to some cat lovers to adorn their nick-knack dust collector collection 😀
I also miss them at LJ. That came out great. You have lifted MDF to an art form. I showed my daughter’s cat your project and I’m having trouble getting her out of my empty beer box.

Dim Sim nice yin and yang kitties. 
Pussies lurking behind them? You maybe on to something Ducky. 

James McIntyre

Thanks all... just goes to prove that pussies are still popular in these ever changing times.

And if anyone disagrees,

I can see them being very popular.

If I actually sold my stuff, I would say these would have been my best sellers...

Just off the production line. today... 90mm discs out of pine and ebony backfilled... surprised they are more popular for non-boomers that the jarrah inlays.

 Hallelujah.... Doggies move over... Finally a cat that....

 James McIntyre
I’m having trouble getting her out of my empty beer box.
sees the light!

Don't be surprised if someday this shows up on one of my projects, selfshily reproduced with a token tip of the hat to you, then shamelessly sold for a loss to some cat lovers to adorn their nick-knack dust collector collection 😀
Feel free to use my files (linked in post) if you prefer to Steve Good's, however, all recognition should be directed towards Steve... though I'll gratefully accept the acknowledgement for spruiking his design.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Very cool , Alex!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

I think they all came out looking good. Cool idea.

.................. John D....................

BOOMSB  Stealing that.

If you had done the darker colour in Sian - then you could call these Crafty Sians.  

Or not

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter

then you could call these Crafty Sians.  

🤣... I reckon JMcI's moggy could better fit the bill for crafty,

but then I'd have to call it William!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Very Crafty Catty's.  Be careful walking by the beer box a swipe of a paw may appear.

daveg, SW Washington & AZ

Yup gdaveg. They do like to wait for the un-suspecting to happen by. Must be their primeval instinct to eat your foot. Lol. I wouldn’t. 

James McIntyre

James, reminds me of the cat who liked to get behind the books on a shelf and then give you a whack on the back of the head as you walk past. Learned to wave my arm in front to see if a leg popped out with claws extended, kinda freaky.
Cats are not as dim as the sim... Splinter.

Two things that cats have over dogs,
  1. Dogs, you cannot,                                                             
  2. A dog will bark incessantly and eventually annoy the bjesus outta you... while a cat can chase that critter up the tree and sic em... well, all but those "pussy" cats.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

LittleBlackDuck...EXCELLENT WORK AND VERY CLEVER!!!!  Very pleasing to the eye as well.

How about Spring Rolls???   I believe that CHICO Rolls have been banned....Not politically correct.
