Cheese Slicing Boards

My 90-year-old Mother loves cheese but her hands are getting pretty weak and shaky when using a knife. Also, the fact that she could NEVER cut a straight piece helped me decide to make her a slicer so she could get a better hold with a little more torque. It worked great for her, and she also uses it for slicing hard boiled eggs for recipes, etc. I made both a small and larger one for her to choose, she naturally went for the "pretty " one. These two kits were from WoodCraft. Another supplier had a style that would probably work but admitted at the time they did not have wire backups for sale which I think they now have. The smaller one is out of Padauk, the larger out of Walnut. The kits have excellent instructions with them. 


Nicely done! Great gift. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

RyanGi - Thank You, Greatly appreciated.
Great looking boards there, those are on my list of items to try. 

Main Street to the Mountains

your a good grandson mel ! if you ever wanna make a bunch for gifts or whatever go to the (cheeseslicerco) they beat every bodies prices.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Beautiful stuff....for me it would be a problem to find hardware...


Cool M52...

 My 90-year-old Mother loves cheese but her hands are getting pretty weak and shaky when using a knife. Also, the fact that she could NEVER cut a straight piece 

Just imagine all the anguish you could have save her if you made this 80 years ago...

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

GR8 board GR8 gift GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


A good Deed and a mice slicer, job well done Mel.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Nice looking boards. Reminds me of those old paper cutters with the big blade on it
Nicely done.  She'll appreciate your thoughtful gift with each use.
Eric - Thank you, they are actually kind of fun to make.
pottz - Thanks, I will have to check that site out.
Ivan - thanks for the comment, greatly appreciated.
LBD - It would have been less anguish if I had just kept my head out of my "you-know-where" back then, lol.
GR8HUNTER - Thank you.
oldrivers - Thank you, have a good one.
Corelz125 - Thank you, they do kind of look like that don't they ?
BB1 - Thanks, I'm surprised how much she has used it in such a short time.

I think there is a company in Tennesse that sells the handle and the wires. Just don't remember the name.

Main Street to the Mountains

Thanks, I'm surprised how much she has used it in such a short time.
That's when you know a gift is a success!
Eric - Thanks, WoodCraft carries the wires for these now in various packaging.
BB1 - That's also the way I look at it.

Very nice project.....You are a Good Son to look after your Old Mum like that....GOOD MAN!!!!

Cliff - Thanks for the comment, greatly appreciated and good to hear from you !!!  Mike

Nice Cheese slicers.  Been thinking about making some of the wire style.

daveg, SW Washington & AZ

gdaveg - Thank You - these are actually fun to make out of small scrap pieces.  Mike