Purple Martin House

Have been having quite a few Purple Martins nesting in our yard for the last several years, so decided to build a new house for them to put with our others. Forgot to take pictures when it was in my shop so took them after it was installed. It is around 28 inches tall and each of the four compartments are 6" X 6" square with vent holes in the back. I got the plans off the internet. This was made with construction grade 3/4 inch pine with a coat of primer and then two heavy coats of exterior flat based white latex. The left side comes off for cleaning when needed.

Switch Over Project


Nice.  You have a little city developing there.

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter

for the project 52... and maybe even a

the gesture....

However, for someone that has had bird issues for the last 13 years,  a tad bigger

for encouraging the feathered variety into the "household"... and before anyone want to take a pellet gun to me,

after 13 years I've been there before most of the birds and should have preference in my house.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Well done.   New renters will love it.   Nice work.


Good job looks nice, I like the Martins around the house.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

When they settled, photos came .....

Sasha. - Life is not a draft, you can't redo it tomorrow

Pretty cool condo for the birds!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

I looks good. Bird houses are fun, to build and watch the birds. I do't have Purple Martins in my are but we have Tree Swallows which prefer individual housing so I have about 18 houses scattered around my property. Which reminds me it is time to clean and inspect them. The swallows return here in mid March along with the robins, buzzards and humming birds.

Does that qualify for a tax break as low income housing?  LOL
WildBryanWood - Since the pictures I have acquired two more of the gourd style set-ups.
LBD - I have been known ( Pellets ), to rehome a Sparrow or two that try to bully the Martins. My wife's cats welcome them with open paws.
987Ron - They do seem to like them.
oldrivers - We had , I think, 14 nesting females last spring.
Ganchik - Thanks
JimJakosh - I think I'll make some plugs shaped like the gourd style to put in the holes. Seems to keep out unwanted birds more.
LesB - We have a lot of the Swallows flying around all the time but have no idea where they are nesting.


Nice addition to the yard Mel!  though seeing how birds are rather inconsiderate about keeping the complex "tidy", I'd opt for the top unit, less falling objects from above to death with 🙂
Ivan and SplinterGroup - Thank you for the comments !!!

A great way to add some entertainment to your yard - and good looking too!
Very Nice Mike...The Birds will love it!!!!

Cliff - Thank you, they used the two top units this last season.  Mike
Nice little addition, the birds are always fun to watch.

Main Street to the Mountains

Eric - Thanks, I really enjoy hearing them in the spring. Mike
The birds around here can empty the feeder in a few days. Nuthatches, Titmouse and the Cardinals keep the ground clean below the feeder. I also through food out on the lawn in front of the porch, we can sit out there early morning and early evening and there is 15-25 Cardinals that come in a feed. Nice to watch. I did see a Red Headed Woodpecker the other day with the Cardinals. And I feed the Squirrels peanuts. I have seen the Wrens starting to look for a nesting area this past week, along with their loud voice.

Main Street to the Mountains