salt cellar

a good friend is turning 70 end of the month and loves to cook. she asked that no gifts be given but, too bad. so i decided to make her a salt cellar that ill also provide some flake sea salt from the oregon coast. this was turned from a block of silver maple that i got from my good friend mark wilson on LJ'S, sadly i sent him an invite but have not heard from him. when he moved he invited me to take some wood he had been saving. problem was it was stored outdoors and has a bit of a termite problem. i ended up putting most of it in the fire place. this block had some minor spalting and some live termites ! i think i got em all out. any left are encased in ca glue. the finish is one coat of GF arm r seal and several coats of satin lacquer. the bottom has rubber so it doesn't slide around. size is 4" tall 4-1/4" diameter. and the cherry on top is a finial turned from my fav. cocobolo !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.


Nice work and nice gift Pottz! I'm sure she will think of ya whenever she adds salt to a recipe! 😀

Bummer about the bugs, but hopefully you sent them all to a "better" place.
Nice cellar! That's a great gift idea.
thanks guys. shes a great cook and ive had enjoyed many a great meal over the years.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

 Nice turning on this to fit the lid to the jar. Like the spalting too.
it's a shame the best spalt was inside the jar.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Excellent turning, great choice of wood, bummer about the bugs.  I have soaked suspect bug infested wood with mineral spirits.

TimV, "The understanding eye sees the maker's fingerprints, they are evident in every detail, leave Fingerprints." James Krenov

thanks tim ill have to remember that.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

i just looked at the views and i have 95 ! so those are mostly lurkers that just come on and take a peek. so how do we get those to join us, but more importantly, how do we get them to come out of their shell and participate ? ive got no idea guys because ive tried everything with only a little luck. and more so. where are the 5k + members that were here before the LJ'S exodus ? and how do we get them back ? 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

thanks gar !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Just refuse to do as you're told... at least W doesn't have to look for a parking spot for your turning fetish.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

fetish ? duckie give it a try and you'll be hooked man ! so is it your afraid you dont have the skill and prefer a programed laser do the work for you ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice gift for a cook.  She will love it.


Real Nice Pottz, and a wonderful gift for someone that did not want one. 

You know you beat me to the Cellar, I have been thinking about one of those.

Main Street to the Mountains

adot thanks bud.
eric i made one for swmbo a year or so ago and it's right next to the cook top and gets used daily ! i may do some as xmas this year ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

very beautiful GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


thanks bud !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice looking box, Pottz. 

May you have the day you deserve!

thanks bud !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice gift and I agree with Splinty, I know I always think of who gave me the gift when I use it.

.................. John D....................