Special Table

I call this my special needs table....one because it is made to fit into an opening on the 4 season porch and the other, well you figure it out.  It is tiger stripe Sapele.  With some help from our friend Pottz, he hooked me up with Penofin Penetrating Oil for the finish.  It is great stuff and so easy.  It is made for outdoor furnitre, but creates a very rich finish.  It is similar to Watco in a lot ways, in that after coat number two, it weeped for a few days.  I thought it was done, but when I looked closely at the photos, I see it is still not quite done.  I included a prefinish photo so you can see the difference after It was applied.  I have an order for a matching cabinet for dog supplies.....towels, leads etc.   The windows in the porch maybe open sometimes for a rain, so every thing is made to outdoor specs.....so in a couple years it gets a light sand and recoat....a 15 minute project.  Thanks for looking.



Score Mike!

I wasn't expecting you to say that was patio furniture, but quality is quality, where ever it sits.

Beautiful wood and shape, M&T?

I use Penofin on the large patio cover I made years ago with redwood. It is an excellent outdoor finish, though after 15 years I may need to coat it again. Smells like fish eh?
Nice looking table Mike. Sapele finishes up real nice
One of the fun parts of a project - seeing the "wow" when finish is applied.  This looks great!
Thanks Splint-I don't recall a fish smell, if fact I don't recall any smell.  

Corelz-Thanks man!  Sapele is a new favorite...Thanks for turning me onto it!

BB1-Thank you-  applying the finish is the best part!


look beautiful mike. i have patio tables made from ipe. every spring i give em a light sanding and fresh coat of penofin and they look like the day i made em. 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Good looking table.    Like the design and of course he wood choice is great.    Nicely done.


Great looking finish on the Sapele.

Cool job Mokey... suppose ther's a couple of parts now missing off the jeep,

I see the SWMBO has 3 canines to contend with... you sly dog, all those closet Fe$tools,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Beautiful table! The finish looks great.
Nice looking table.
You told us all about the finish which looks great but how was it constructed? Mortise and tenon, dowels, Kreg screws?

how was it constructed? Mortise and tenon, dowels, Kreg screws?
Well put LesB...

Hell Mokey, hope you didn't get that shiny Domino dirty and used pocket holes so you can re-do/fix it in about 3 months time.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


I love Sapele. I think it’s become one of my favorites. Easy to machine, sturdy and stable, and finishes beautifully. Nicely done!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Great looking table and the finish did make the grain stand out. Excellent job.
The top is gorgeous 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Pottz- Thanks for the kind words and help with the finish....

Ron- Thank you, Sapele was a great wood to work with and appears to be hard as my head!

Tom- Thank you

LBD- Thanks!  I do have some Festools and do enjoy them!!  The stacks are great, I have three Festool stacks and one Dewalt but lots of the stuff inside them is not festool......Makita Track Saw, Fiji Min Mite spraying system with another one have a second gun in its own systainer and even another with the 3M cup system (which I hate), 5" disc systainer, 6" discs, then of course the Festool sanders, Dust extractor and the almighty Domino.

Steve- Thank you---love that stuff!

Les- Thank you---and it is constructed with dominos.....sorry I failed to mention that.  I love dominos!  If I would have used Kreg screws I think I might have been banned from this site!!!

Gr8-Thanks you Buddy!

Thanks Ryan....I am afraid I might use Sapele too much now....It is awesome.

Mel-Thanks !

Crowie- I was able to manipulate the the two boards so they looked like the were meant for each other....I originally was going to do a book match type thing since the board were so similar, but ended up liking this better.  Thanks for the kind words.


I agree with others,  too nice for the porch,  but what can I say,
When you have class,  you have class.
Well done Mike

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.


Beautiful table.  I am a Sapele fan as well.

You do nice work!


Real nice table!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Bent- Thank you, coming from a craftsman such as yourself, I am flattered...thank you

Petey-Thank you----high praise coming from you too!  I immediately began on a live edge table...its small, its a coffee table, and my wife likes them small...just tables mind you...I looked back and got some inspiration from your hall table....

Jim- Thank you----I am humbled....your stuff is great too!
