A Ford "C Cab" Farm Truck for Easter Guessing Competition, fundraiser at the local community club. Yes friends Easter is fast approaching and everyone loves a truck load of Easter Eggs to share the joy. The Boys & Girls Club will fill the back with a load of chocolate Easter eggs and if you can guess the correct number you win the eggs and toy truck. The truck is 19" [485mm] long; 6-3/8" [165mm] wide and 7.5" [190mm] made from a mixture of Aussie Hardwood offcuts with enough detail to make it realistic. Only 20 hours in this build roughly using the free plan on Dutchy's website as a base. https://dutchypatterns.com/links/ The wheels are shop bought as are the furniture button lights. The steering wheel is a couple of wooden buttons with the Ford logo lasered for me by Alex aka LBD. Papa Smurf and Handy Smurf have given their tick of approval for our handiwork. The finish is my homemade wipe-on-poly 3-4 coats have given the truck a nice shine. On of the volunteer management committee is filling the back of the truck and wrapping the truck for the fundraiser. Hoping for a good response to the fundraiser for the club. Have a blessed Easter everyone.
Thank you ladies and gents for your kind words of encouragement and support. Folks don’t forget the basic plan is available on Dutchy’s website and it’s free.