Coffee Table for our daughter's birthday

Back in November 2023 "Living Timber" in Penrith were have a clean out sale of offcut as they got ready for a reorganization of their business and premises.  
I was able to purchase a few red coloured timber offcut for my toymaking from their "bargain bin" very cheaply.
Just I was about to the the owner Dean came out with two large-ish benchtop offcuts, asking could I do something with these, they're free. 
I said "THANK YOU" very much putting them into the boot of my car. 
They were somewhat unusual in shape but after some thinking/pondering; I thought I could actually just the two pieces together to make a large rectangular table top.
It took some effort but worked well using a double row of biscuits and "Titebond 3" plus some "Starbond CA" to fill the imperfections. .
But how to do legs for all this "Spotted Gum" at 32" [800mm] x 24" [600mm] x 1.5" [40mm] thick table top?
The ends are sealed with a strip of "American Oak" from offcut I got from Peter at "Pittwater Joinery". 
Then we cleaned out our small garden shed to local a number of old chairs that had come from my father-in-law some 15yrs ago.
So now I had legs, just had to clean the up without destroying them and work out how to fix them.
I recessed the tops of the chair legs into the base of the tabletop setting them in place with "Ice Epoxy Resin".
The sides of the chair were they are tenoned into the legs were not square so I had to allow for the that when gluing them and reinforcing the base, which is all locked together. 
The finish is my homemade "wipe-on-poly"; 4 coats on the top with only 3 on the underside.
as far as a birthday gift it's late but it's now completed [weighs a ton!]
Cheers crowie

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings


Nice way to use up what you had. Nice design on the top
Neat design!  Nice save on what might have been thrown out.  
Really great looking table, well thought out application of parts and pieces on hand. Looks pretty sturdy due to construction methods, nice work.
a very nice table and also a nice gift GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Love the way you joined the base, "perfect" mortises!
Looking to be a great little table.

Gotta ask, the Smurfs look to have entered a fight arena, two enter, only one leaves. 
Nice work, Peter! Hopefully she thinks it was worth waiting for.

May you have the day you deserve!

Nice table!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Very ingenious way to use something others would have tossed. Kudos to you on an attractive and useful final product!

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Nice work Peter, great to see people making use of timber that normally gets binned.
Nice work Peter!!!!!
Well done, Looks great.
Thank you ladies and gents for your kind words of encouragement. 
While I’m reasonably pleased with the end result, it was a challenge to do such a large project in my very small shed. 
Even “Papa Smurf” and “Handy Smurf” had to watch/supervise from a distance. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Very impressive, keep an eye on the supplier as I am sure we will be seeing  more timber bench tops now the engineered ones have been prohibited.
40mm  Spotted Gum is a  tough  call for a small workshop no wonder it weighs in a a heavy weight.
A question,   with the base was it just one chair repurposed to produce the legs?

Regards Rob

A question,   with the base was it just one chair repurposed to produce the legs?
Yes Rob, Two sets of front legs plus the interconnecting supports. I added the cover strip of American Oak on the rabbated sections then glued a 30x30mm piece of American Oak to lock it all together. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Thought you did a great job on those legs... Thought you'd finally bit the bullet and bought a laser lathe and was gonna post you a heap of turning chisels... then I had to ruin it all by bloody reading...  "of old chairs..... So now I had legs,...."... total disappointment, now you know why I hate reading.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Very creative use of the offcuts! It looks great>
So interesting pattern on top
