Our local firearms and accessories shop here was having troubles with customers not being able to check out various scopes for target shooting and hunting. He came up with the idea of making replica type stocks to mount them on and they could look through them to check them out and use all the adjustments before deciding on which one they want. I made a total of five so far for him to use. Traced around an extra gunstock on 2 X 4s, got them cut out then shaped them to be a little more user friendly. The rubber mounting brackets he found online that were made for tools etc. but worked excellently for the scopes. The straps were adjustable, so they worked well for various sized scopes. Made wooden mounting platforms to raise the scopes to the right height for viewing as most stocks have rails of some type for height. I rounded everything off and worked the grip area to fit the hand better. I am now working on a display similar to a gun case rack but to where the stocks are reversed to show off the scopes without taking them out if not necessary. It was brought up that they could also be used to mount cameras and spotting scopes if needed without the rubber brackets when using the proper attachments. These were sanded to around 320 and then given a couple coats of sealer then buffed with 0000 rated buffing pads.