Dual hand plane Ply Box

I forgot to mention when posting my Lap Top box I used my Trade tools T21628 Hand plane to level the veneer inserts.
Now you may think me crazy for trying to plane veneer but this plane is a F1 Model I prepared to use in the Nip thinnest wood shave competition, and I assure you it still works well, albeit being $ 35 .00 plane.
Now its box was getting decidedly chatty due to being soaked in preserving oil for years.

As it did such a good job for me I decided to construct a new home for it from left over ply.
The ply was cut to size on the table saw and initially just glued with Titebond III glue and the assistance of two band clamps.

I made my signature carry handle ( 22mm Forstner bit) for the middle before assembly.
You can see the oiled felt in the bottom of the box.

Once the glue was set I decided to add a screw or two in case it had a failure so in went 30x screws.

12 in its bottom and nine in each end

A quick whip around with the router trimmer and a 1/4 round over bit and it was finished.

I added a coat of sanding sealer and oiled felt bed for the planes to rest in.
Now I have a second plane its but of a roughie has has very large gouges in the sole and has been around the Mill by the looks.

I think its over 100 years old, Not sure. Anchor brand is Swedish from Eskilstuna.

Anyway I thought it would make a good mate for my TT Plane and it wouldn't be lonely.

here they  are together for all you enthusiasts

I hope they don't go the way of my sander and have somebody pinch them.

if your interested.

Regards Rob

 I forgot to mention when posting my Lap Top box I used my Trade tools T21628 Hand plane to level the veneer inserts. 

Hand tools??? Bloody traitor... I have a better use for that knuckle duster!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I thought knuckle duster and a new take on boxing, but have to say that box should hold up for at least a few years longer than those planes!

Great way to keep things "handy" 👍
Nice Rob!  That's a handy tote :-)
A nice fit for the pair. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

If you ever want to hand flatten the sole of a plane:
Good job, every time I build something like this it gets filled with everything except for what it was originally for.
Great Idea for a Duel Plane Box.
Nice strorage for the planes. it is very well built!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day