Medicine Organizer

My Wife Debbie has Diabetes and has been using a Tomato box lid as a sort of "tray" to hold all of the epi-pens, test kit, needles and other assorted paraphernalia associated with that condition...

She asked me Wednesday, if I could provide her with a wooden tray to replace this one... those of you who know me know that it takes very little prodding to get me to spend some time in the shop! Lol
This simple tray/box was created, and the finish applied yesterday... 
It is 16" x 12" with Maple sides... If I had a "favorite" type of wood, Hard Maple would be a strong contender! It machines and sands beautifully, and has a very "clean" look...
The bottom is from a very dwindling stock of very old plywood... They do not make plied-wood like that anymore sadly, that is sand-able, with thick plys...
Anyway, waiting for the finish to dry before we replace the new tray with the old...
Thanks for your time! Comments are always welcome and appreciated!
26 May 2024

Mike, in Concord, NH - A candle loses none of its flame by lighting another candle...


Excellent tray for a very good reason.   Wife should be happy with it instead of an old cardboard box lid.  
Looks good, also.


Nicely done!  Diabetes is challenging and having a helpful way to organize everything involved with be great.  
Good call making that post-haste! That cardboard is no bueno!

Looks like it'll last forever!

I feel you pain about using up the "sacred" plywood stash, night/day difference.

I had to make 24 "project" trays for the wife's glass work a while back that slid into slots (center area)

Used up a lot of my stash of red oak strips, but she was thrilled.
diabetes sucks you have made a very nice box / tray GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Looks good. What kind of finish did you put on it?
Hi Dave. Man there is no contest on the replacement!!!!!!!! Great finger joints. It will last forever! Sure is nice to respond to request like that with such a great  solution!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Very nice, not only so much better looking, but it will last a long time. I imagine she is thrilled. Being Diabetic I know something to organize supplies is needed, and that will most definitely work. 

Good job.
Thank you all very much!
The cardboard "tray" worked but was a very in-elegant method for keeping this stuff together! The new tray will be a major upgrade...
MrRick: I used this for the finish...

It only needed two coats this time...
After that is applied, I go over it with a scotch-brite green pad and then give it a once-over with normal, clear furniture polish... The polish gives it a great feel and smell (and helps to get rid of that awful poly smell!)

Mike, in Concord, NH - A candle loses none of its flame by lighting another candle...

The poly should serve well. I see what looks like a nice box, you could spend more dreary shop time and make a few more to further organize the tray, we suffer for our spouses 🤠
Much more elegant. Nicely done. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

well done im sure she appreciates that very much.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

That's a pretty impressive upgrade from cardboard!
Nice box with a purpose.  Keeps stuff together, pills don't roll onto the floor.  Well done finger/box joints.

daveg, SW Washington & AZ