Shopping List

Made another one of these Grocery, to-do, reminder list type things this weekend as a Christmas Gift (never too early!)
Ours has hung in our kitchen for over ten years and continues to be used daily, we would be lost without it!
The wood for the latest one is Red Oak from a bureau that belonged to my Great Grandmother...

Elise came to America from Lyon, France in the teens of the last century, with her son Albert, my Grandfather... She passed away in February of the year I was born, I never knew her... But an old bureau of hers was saved by my Dad in our basement until it came apart from neglect... The wood it was constructed from was saved, first by my Father and now by me!
There is still a little bit of it left, to me it is precious...
The gift is intended for my Niece's new Family, so the wood will have belonged to her Great-Great-Grandmother and her new-born daughter's Great × 3 Grandmother...
I hope they like it and find it as useful as we've found ours to be!
Thanks for your time, comments are always welcome! 
7 July 2024

Mike, in Concord, NH - A candle loses none of its flame by lighting another candle...


that is fricken cool my friend ! i may make some for xmas gifts myself. love the story with it. what family member wouldn't cherish what it's made from. way too cool buddy ! much cooler than the white board we use now. and then the wife has to rewrite on paper for me anyway ! once and done !

edit-what size roll of paper, and where did you get it ?  im sure amazon has it !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

A fitting re-application of the timber, and well done.
Nice history shapshot too 
You may wish to photo copy it and get the mod podge out and do a image transfer to some of the remaining timber! 

Regards Rob

Thanks my Friends...
Pottz: It's standard 3" cash register tape, I just bought a package of 10 for $28 at Staples (I'll give my Niece three)
If you're going to make one, use a roll of it to space the spool holders! They're actually a little bigger than 3" (about 3 1/8")

Mike, in Concord, NH - A candle loses none of its flame by lighting another candle...

There's nothing better than a gift made of wood with a story. Nice job!
thanks little ! 😁

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

This is a neat design and the meaning behind the wood makes for an extra special gift.  
Awesome story to pass along to the family!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

It will make a useful gift, unlike a drawerful of socks, and passes along your family tree. Can't hardly be more special than that. Loved the storyline. 
Great little project! even better with the history!

Growing up, we had one hanging in kitchen for as long as I can remember.  Despite this time of instant electronic information a pencil and paper have a certain charm and relevance. Thanks for the reminder, one will be in our kitchen soon…
well done, good design and well executed.   Nice project.  


That is a very handy item for the kitchen. You always have paper that way. The piece of wood has a real special meaning, too!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Nice! I need to find roll paper, then I can make one.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

Great project with an awesome family connection.  I think I might cheat a bit and make one that has a piece of metal on it for my daughter since she likes the shopping list pads with the magnet on the back.
I like that a lot.  


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Great way to repurpose that family treasure and so useful. 

CtL "Purveyors of Portable Fun and Fidgets"