Knife Guide

Made a knife guide for a friend of mine who is tired of his home made bread coming out not nicely sliced. Got to love that Incra Fence. I put the scale for 9/16" spacing on it, so it was simply a matter of moving to each line on it with the cursor, locking the fence down and running a cut.  I can see where some internal stresses became noticeable after cutting the slots. Even quarter sawn wood will move. Unfinished, just plain ol' wood. I offered to chamfer the edges but he's OK with it as-is. Bet he at least does some corner rounding later. The holes are gaps next to biscuits. This was originally going to be the back of a chest, but I ended up with a different panel. So, it's been kicking around for awhile, and now it's gone to a good home.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer


Easy as slicing bread! Which is a pretty funny saying… Have you ever tried to slice bread off a loaf keeping it perfectly sized??? It’s stupidly hard! But this jig will make it happen!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Makes me think of a saw with a bunch of parallel coping saw blades. Combine the two and it'll be perfect every time!

Nice "bread jig" Steven!👍
Nice project - quick and useful.
Nice!  I don't worry too much about exact width of slices.  My biggest challenge is not eating it all when it's first out of my breadmaker (and the smell of baking bread is wonderful too).
Thanks, folks! He really doesn't like it when the loaf squirms, even though he uses an electric knife He still ends up with poor uniformity. Man, I love that Incra fence. Did I already say that? 🤔 I hate to think how much longer this would have taken, if I had had to use a ruler and bump the fence into position.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

I use one of these. Simple to use and simple to store.
Ehh, my friend isn't quite that dexterous...

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

One of those like Rick shows that is also adjustable just a bit for width would make it worth the time to do the work. Even at a fixed slice for stuff like bread for Italian meals at about 1 1/2" would be ok, but adjustable would bump it up to making it worth it, to bake yer own bread, talk about cost savings, put "Wonder" out of business, at least as far as your house is concerned. I use Wonder generically, wouldn't eat it on a bet.

Till then what Steve made is perfect. I don't have one for bread, but I do have one for hasselback potatoes

Something I have noticed after cutting a lot of loaves into slices. If you have nothing but a knife in hand, the bread seems to always flatten as you try to cut through. With either of the items used above that doesn't happen. 
You're right, George. I tried to talk him into having different size knife slots, or a stop for the loaf so that he could make different widths (plus, it would have been less work). 🤷‍♂️ It didn't really take all that long to do, though. I could go back tomorrow and make another. Did I say that I really like that Incra fence? 😄

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

Have a commercial version of that.    Works sorta okay, yours looks better


Thanks! I personally would have made the edges smoother/rounder, but my friend kept saying, "It's just bread!" 😄

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer


Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Nice work on just make what the customer wants!!

 Say, how do you like the Incra fence???? 

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day


Steven- Random Orbital Nailer