Apple grinder

To be able to press apple juice, it is necessary to first grind the apples. 
This can be done with an apple grinder. I searched the internet and found inspiration from Matthias Wandel's hand turned apple grinder plans:
The apple grinder is built up from a lot of different parts and can be easily taken apart for cleaning. The grinder is placed on sawhorses with a bucket below which collects the grated apples. Next year I will upgrade the build with an electrical motor since it is quite exhausting to hand turn the grinder for several hours when large quantities of apples need to be grinded. The grinder works very well and I produced 70 liters of apple juice which is now fermenting into hard cider.

See my apple press project here:

Neat project! Thanks for sharing. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Nice project! Matthias has some cool ideas.
interesting, things I knew nothing about.   Thanks for posting.  


intricate build!
I like the use of screw heads for the grinding "teeth". Seem perfect for the task and replacement teeth are readily available everywhere!
Very impressive! I'd put a motor on it too. 70 liters is alot to hand crank like you say. 
Now that's a very nice, and very useful, project. Well constructed, looks pretty sturdy.
If you attach a motor, I'm imagining it would need to be low speed to prevent apple pieces - parts - and juice from going all over the place.