Reclaimed Wood Coat rack


This is a coat rack made primarily of pallet
wood. Above the hand made coat hangers, the diamond decorative pieces are some old stock I have had for 20 years, it was already glued up in 2×2 long
stock, so I just cut and glued the pieces together using the end grain for a different look. The main boards are ash and the hangers oak. The decorative diamonds above the hooks are cherry, walnut, mahogany and oak. Finish is tung oil.

Steve Tow

Very Nice Steve.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

very interesting pc , really like the diamond shapes


Very nice. What is hangers oak?

Losing fingers since 1969

Thanks All! Much appreciated!
Brian, sorry, the “hanger oak” should have been the hangers are oak…

Steve Tow

Thanks All! Much appreciated!
Brian, sorry, the “hanger oak” should have been the hangers are oak…

Steve Tow

The decorative squares really make it pop

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker