Stanley plane handle retrofit


Found this Canadian made Stanley hand plane at the market and it is in pretty good shape but like any tool I own I had to play with it .
After a good clean and flattening the sole I sharpened the iron and gave it a run and it produced some nice shavings .
The only thing that was not to my liking was the way the handles fit my hands so I decided that a larger set of more comfortable and fitting handles is what it need .
The handles are made of walnut and cherry laminated and shaped with the band saw, rasp and spindle sander finished with sand paper to 220 grit and wax finish .
Since it is a Canadian made Stanley I thought putting a Canadian dollar coin in the front handle would be a nice touch and I sure like the way the handles changed the look .
The plane feels much better in my hands as it is a easier and less effort grip and is another tool in my hand tool collection that will get used and not used as a ornament .

That’s customization of the plane.
The coin is nice touch.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Great work Klaus. Seems to be Canadian plane week on WWW.
It’s a little scary the way both of us have taken to photographing shavings.
On the serious side though, there really is something about a well tuned plane making effortless passes and producing smooth surfaces and fine ribbons.
I fully understand the need for bigger handles when you have big hands.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Looks great!

Losing fingers since 1969

OK, now that is different. I have to admit that while I (that is me) would not use laminates in the way you have, it is still quite acceptable and I am sure there will be a fan base for your design. And THAT is my point. Quality woodwork will always find its own fan base. Well done.


Cool idea making stripes on your handles.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker