Band saw bird


I made this bird using templates and guidelines from a book, it was called either Making boxes or band saw boxes, I cannot find it to post the exact name but thats were the construction plans credit belongs not me.

After finishing it the flocking and detail finishing came from my “Craft Box” the item every macho hot blooded woodworker has stashed somewhere.

He or she is about 5 years old now and is a little worst for wear tail feathers wise as its a favorite grandkids attention getter, I think because of the vidid colours, then when they see the secret compartment for stashing obviously, Secret Treasure" in they are again facinated.

The body is almost a typical bandsaw box customised to the shape
The sides are ply added on along with the wings and the little orange handle on top.
The beak is a separate part attached later as is the tail feathers.
Correction: after finding the plans for Jim I see the body from beak to tail is one complete piece
The legs are Dowel rod and the feet a band sawed shape.

*The body *
Blue, Green Orange and Brown flocking , and yellow dye for the beak
a Pair of googlie eyes
Legs and feet are again dye this time brown
The compartment hinge is a bamboo skewer

Regards Rob

Very cool,never would have guessed it was a band saw box.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

this is awesome!!!!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Hey Rob
I passed this post on to a student of mine she said she wished she had more details of how to build this super project,You don’t happen to remember what the title of the book was you got this from ,I tried searching the two titles you had in your post without any luck.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Hello Jim
The book is actually called
“Making Great Boxes”
and the project is called
“A box with a beak”
Within the book there are 3 pages of full sized templates, of which after checking my templates stock I find I still have all the photocopies of the pages along with the pattern templates.

Now knowing this if you cannot find the information I can scan the photo copies and the five 1:1 masonite and plywood templates for you.
If this fails to work I can post everything to you as a last resort.

I also tracked down the book, its actually with Degoose, AKA Larry so I/you can also contact him and possibly get the ISBN.

Either way a mate for the bird should evolve without too much difficulty.

No doubt Ted McGrath will have a copy of it ….spit!!

Regards Rob

Hey I found the actual book on the net

Regards Rob

Nice box and bird with great color combinations. Congrats on the editors choice!!


Good job , really nice , glad you got editors choice .
