Gifkins Dovetail Jig Box


This is a box I made for my Gifkins Dovetail Jig.
Its large enough to contain all the Jig templates Bits Clamps and accessories in easly identifiable box.
The timber is grain matched Camphor Laurel for the box and a solid piece of QLD Walnut for the lid.

It was made on the table saw and obviously the Jig itself.

The Box.
The box is a typical vertical side construction the grain matched edges were produced by splitting a single piece of timber in two then cutting the respective pieces as follows left to right piece 1 end piece and then side piece and piece 2 left to right side piece then end piece.
The Gifkins Dovetail Jig was used to make the joints.
Once this was completed the box was dry assembled and the recess for the base was cut in the bottom, then dismantled and the base fitted for final assembly.

The final assembly was then edge tapered on all four sides using the table saw
Some finishing sanding using a custom made profile block was used to maintain the original angles.

The Lid
The lid was cut from a single piece of QLD Walnut tapered on the table saw as per the box sides
The rebate for the drop on lid was done with a straight cuter and fence on the shaper

A finishing coat of special tung oil was then applied let to absorb and then a final tidy up with a light clean polishing cloth and its done.

With the return of all the Gifkins Jig components inside its “back on the shelf”

Regards Rob

Very nice Rob,super choice of wood too.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Nice work Rob, very detailed.


Gorgeous box.

Losing fingers since 1969

I like it.

— Madts

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Beautiful! I LOVE the Camphor!

Amor Vincit Omnia