walnut stool


i made myself a walnut desk a few months back and needed something i could use to sit down with, i was originally going to make a chair but i having a bad back didn’t want anything too big or too heavy, so i made this stool, i had a very nice piece of walnut for the seat and i wanted to use some wild cherry i had for the legs, so i notched out the seat to receive the legs and i also notched out the legs, so they married really well and are very solid, the finish coat is BLO and then wet sanded at 600 grit, i then put 2 coats of BRI wax and buffed it to a shine shine. it does sit very well and since i can’t sit for a very long period, it works just great, i will post the desk next.

"the grizz" [''''']

Simple and different. Should I say rustic?

I like it.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Unique stool ,well done.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker