small valet box


this is a small valet box i made for a friend who retired, its made from walnut as the main box with a spalted oak inlay band around the top, the bottom of the box is dogwood that came from there own land, the gift was well received, the friend i gave this to was in my shop a few days previous of me making it and was looking at some walnut i had still in the limb form, so i re sawed the walnut and the dogwood to useable planks and went from there, so it was fun to tell him it was made from the limb you were looking at, he not being a woodworker was surprised i could get wood from a limb like that.

"the grizz" [''''']

Wow! You made wood from a tree? Hehe.. Nice box.

Losing fingers since 1969

Nice valet box.

The variation I the wood color is pleasant.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Beautiful. Great story about the friend looking over the Walnut limb and it becoming part of his tray.

Keith "Shin" Schindler

I like the contrasting woods.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker