walnut and cherry desk


This desk has been one of the funnest projects i have made, i made it primarily for my grandson and something he will inherit when grandpa passes away, but this desk was made primarily with walnut, and the door panels are wild cherry , which to me looks like a grizzly face and this one looks like a bears rear end

i used a nice piece of cherry on the very front and did some bear inlays, the large mama bear is pecan and the three cubs are an exotic from south america, the panel of wood in the middle is birdseye redwood that i got from oregon burls, the knobs for the three drawers are elk antler, on the underside of the desk i have three puck lights that are pointed at the walnut crotch panels that are the legs, the middle panel is spalted pecan

the pine trees are a real true green wood, poplar, it came from a very old tree that was solid green in the heart, no stain or die anywhere on this piece, the top piece is made from spalted oak for the casework, a pure joy to make this desk , i saved up wood for a long time to make this original piece, thanks for taking a look. grizzman

"the grizz" [''''']


dang.. that is awesome!!
everywhere I look, I see something intriguing.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

That is one beautiful desk . Well thought out . The accents , inlays ,and details
like the latch are very appealing and harmonious , …great piece .

Really nice work, Bob. You just getting better and better.

I'm the one with the beard

I have arrived and your work is excellent. Thanks for the heads up!

Use it up, wear it out---Make it do, or do without.

Beautiful desk.
You did great on a complex piece.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Awesome. And it made the top 3 too :). Going to go over and gloat?

thanks everyone for your kind remarks.

"the grizz" [''''']

Absolutely beautifulm, Grizzman. Stunning.

-- Chris ** If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. — Tom Paine **

This is truly a beautiful piece of work.

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

Amazing details! Thanks for the inspiration.
p.s. (Are the bears friendly?)

the baby bears are very friendly, but watch out for mama bear, she has a mean bite….:)

"the grizz" [''''']

Truly a Grizzman signature piece,excellent work Bob.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker