This box has been one of the funnest projects i’ve done in awhile, the reason is that this is for a young boy who i have never met, he is about 9 and his dad is a woodsman, he is teaching his son all of the skills and right now the young boy and a few friends of his who live down the road are building a small cabin, all by hand, using there own axes that they saved up and bought themselves, he is a great young man and i just wanted to do this for him. The box is made of several woods, the main box is southern heart pine and walnut, the cabin which is inlaid is spalted oak and sycamore, the brown stripes between the oak is indian laurel, the inside of the box is lined with red cedar that is 1/4 inch thick, and the handles on this one is some cool heavy bark that came from a hickory tree, naturally curved, the lift is spalted oak and indian laurel, this heart pine is the sweet old stuff, its got several hundred growth rings….ah my favorite..thanks for taking a look, and thank you for any and all comments, oh and here is the end of the box with the hickory bark.

"the grizz" [''''']


The handles are brilliant. What a clever idea. I love red cedar….just love it. Nice story, thanks for sharing it.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

That’s a cool box Grizz


Great box, Bob. I bet that boy really likes it.

I'm the one with the beard

Great story. Exceptional work and craftsmanship…thanks for sharing..

Measure "at least" twice and cut once

I like it a lot Bob.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

I love that log cabin effect. Very convincing and attractive.


That’s a great box Bob.

It’s outstanding.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

thank you guys for your nice comments.

"the grizz" [''''']

Great box, great story!

Keith "Shin" Schindler

As always a unmistakable grizz masterpiece.

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