Cantilevered Pergola


Just finished assembly. Still have some housekeeping work to do. It took 3 solid days plus a few hours after work the past couple of nights. Overall it came out nice, I think. This was part of a bigger backyard project that included the paver patio. Weeks of back breaking labor all by myself. I still have some planter boxes to make and I’m going to build a new gate. Some good things learned here will go into that gate. Thanks to everyone, especially whitacrebespoke, for the advice. And thanks for looking.

Losing fingers since 1969

This is awesome! Love the design, that is a definite conversation piece.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men - and women - to do nothing. Burke

Great job Brian, nice to see the finished product. My spring project has been building a deck…similar to your patio project a lot of “fun” labour shovelling gravel and moving cement blocks.

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Congrats Brian, it turned out unique and beautiful.


Thanks. I finally get to take a break this weekend. Fishing, relaxing and BBQ with friends on the new patio.

Losing fingers since 1969

Very interesting design . Looks really good .


A very cool design.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

A little bit of the wife’s touch never hurts. She found a tarp made from HDPE. It’s woven, so rain can get through, but it’s shady. It’s temporary until I can get some grapes planted and trained up to provide shade. Of course, it has to come off in the winter. This thing can support a lot of weight but a couple feet of snow will push the limit!

Losing fingers since 1969