Reproduction Pepperwood burl writing box


I have looked very forward to posting this box. This is my second box, well in some ways it is my first, as i got into box making specifically to make Roger’s Pepperwood burl box. Roger, thankfully created an 200 page (something like that perhaps more) e-book which explains how he makes the box that is also available for purchase. My first box gave me me some prerequisites in box making, giving me some experience beforehand.

This box is veneered in oak burl over baltic birch ply purchased at the veneer was a pleasure to work with however, little did i know how difficult the oak is to french polish.

the inside was inspired from one of the images in Roger’s e-book of an 18th century tea box. in addition it is always nice to surprise the observer with an intricate yet functional interior. the interior of this box, which is comprised of 4 lids, is designed to hold pens, a journal and snuff.
the edges are box wood with a combination of black and white veneers to make up the lines. it does look intricate, however very easily attainable with a little patience and perseverance. the hinges are from The lining is italian lamb suede.

i am very much thankful to Roger for enabling me to make this box, his work and work-ethic which is prevalent throughout his e-book-has been inspirational.
please feel free to ask any questions.
thanks for looking,

Stunning! Thank you for sharing

Welcome to WoodworkingWeb, truegemz!

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

Very beautiful and very well crafted. I guess oak burl isn’t the easiest to French polish because of all the small knots or maybe bark incursions in oak burl. I’ve never worked with it myself, so thanks for the heads up.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Great project. Very stunning.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Beautiful box Eyal.

Great detail and book matching.
Good are great tools to learn but they don’t make the box you did and your work is great.
Thanks for sharing.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thank you all for the wonderful comments, Iook forward to posting my next project

such a beautiful box, very classy indeed, not many folks write any longer, its really a lost art, this makes it come alive for sure, beautiful job.

"the grizz" [''''']

A wonderful box that shows a level of skill way beyond the average craftsman particularly for their second box.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

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