Cold Frame #2


Last month, Rick made a cold frame for me. I think I am going to love it and, so, we decided to do a second one so we can have a crop of carrots next winter.

The space is smaller than we had for the first one, which had three windows, but I still wanted to use the automatic window opener so a mini window was put in the middle for the vent.

I put a layer of leaves on the bottom; added soil to the top, and now I will let it sit for a few days to settle.

The first one, we set on bricks but I think that it lets in too much cold air so this one will be set into the ground (an after thought). We will just put some soil around the edge, I think.

Old windows
Handles (coming soon)
Heat activated window opener

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Great build Debbie , perfect for the upcoming growing season but offers so protection if temperature drop close to freezing

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

I have a seedling zucchini in my first one and although it didn’t like the -5c outside temperature, it Is still surviving

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Nicely done. I regret now not having done something similar with some old wood windows given to me to my neighbor a few years ago.

I take it you don’t have any problems in your area with small rodents getting into your garden? I would have to place a screen underneath the small window to discourage local riff-raff from making a home and a meal.

We will have to wait and see ..

In the past we had issues with rabbits and chickens, so a screen would go on the top in the summer.

What I love about this is the options to solving problems.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

I agree. You have options. I look forward to seeing more on this over time. Thanks for sharing both projects.