Turned Replacement Handle: ALDI Hi-Pressure Air Pump


The original handle on this hi-pressure bicycle tire air pump was made from two pieces of formed plastic snapped together. It flexed so much in use that it didn’t take long for it to break so badly that I almost cut my wrist on the sharp edges of the break.

From time to time I pick up from our local dollar store short dowel cut-offs in whatever thicknesses are offered. I have several pieces 2-3/4" thick, about 10" long. One of these was perfect for what I wanted: a beefy handle more suited to my paws and that would outlive the pump.

Finish is made up of several buffed-dry applications of WATCO “Natural” Danish Oil while still on the lathe.

I hadn’t fired up the lathe in quite a few months. I was glad to see that I hadn’t forgotten how to rough out the desired shape by eye and with calipers. A good little project that corrected a manufacturer’s design flaw, for the cost of a little bit of electricity, and the cost of the dowel: about fifty cents.

Don’t you just feel great when you can take something that someone else would probably have just thrown away and make it good as new!? Nice save!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Thanks, L/W. Always! Like many I grew up with little, having to leverage my surroundings to get what I wanted or needed. Now I enjoy it much more than actually need to be this way. Thankfully, my MacGyver-ability level is high enough to (mostly) achieve the aspirations I have in fixing things. It’s a shame being a Tinker isn’t a sustainable career anymore. ;)

Well now, isn’t that WAY BETTER the original !!

Makes me wonder what other things could be salvaged with a little bit of creativity … and skill

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Thanks, @MsDebbieP. Sometimes the end result is a lot better, though some of my fixes have turned out to be functional Frankensteins. ;)

Good job!

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Nice turning and fix. , I would bet the farm that one won’t break.
