Do I have enough yet??


This is a picture of about 20 of my dipping boards sitting on my basement steps. I have a show this weekend and hopefully I will not have enough of these ;-). They do sell well.



I see some space on the bottom shelf so no I don’t think you have enough ;-). Great look to these boards Ellen, the handles are a neat idea. Good luck at the show!

What is a dipping board? What is it used for? Do the come in other sizes?

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

A dipping board is a 5 × 18 inch board with a ramekin on one end (in a shallow well for stability). It is used for bread and oil, soft cheese and bread or crackers or marinara sauce and bread, etc.


Tim spotted the bottom shelf before I do :)

With boards so nice I am sure you will do great.
Good luck!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

beautiful pieces .. I can see why they sell so fast!!

(chuckling at the empty step on the bottom….. better get busy) ;)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

wow, these look amazing! You must have a lot of patience to make that many, I’d make one then get distracted…

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

These are fun to make Manitario. The beauty is in finding new wood combinations and handles to use. They bring out some of my artistic side.


this picture is better. i love all the wood combo’s. are those ramekins 6 oz.? have a new carbide lathe tool now so i am going to try some dip platters.

ellen, i always made that style of board w/o handles. maybe i would do better with handles. ya think?? how do you fasten them in? st steel screws?

I actually use a slightly shorter screw than the one that comes with the handle. I countersink it with a 3/8" forester bit and put cork on the entire bottom.
It gives it a classier look.


Please let us know how the show went for you Ellen. Any photos would be fun to see also.

Mike, an American living in Norway

You’re so creative Ellen this is a project I haven’t seen before,I hope they sold like hotcakes,they sure look wonderful.

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