Crocheting Bag


I love my little Hat & Mitt Bag so much that I had to make another one, but, this time, a little larger.

This new one is perfect for my smaller crochet projects, with the yarn being pulled from the middle of the ball.
I stick the ball into the basket and off I go.
Then when I take a break, I can put the project (and any notes needed) into the basket and there it waits for next time.
It also has room for a second project storage: yesterday I had 2 projects on the go and they both fit in the bag. It works wonderfully for me.

This bag:
Magic Ring: 5 sc
2 sc around
“2 sc; 1 sc”.. repeat, around
“2sc; 1sc; 1sc;” .. repeat around
repeat this, increasing the amount of 1 sc stitches each time … till there are 12 sc stitches in-between the 2sc increases.
sc in the front loops around
sc normally around, repeat for total of 6 rows
sc; 2 sc; sc; 2 sc, .. repeat pattern around
hdc around
now, count the stitches and do: hdc for a quarter the way around dc for 2-quarters; and hdc for the last quarter;
sc around
hdc for the first quarter; decrease the dc (2dc together); hdc for the last quarter
repeat above row 3 times
sc around, decreasing in the middle 6 stitches (at the bottom of the bag) .. at the “half way”
sc around, decreasing as above
at the top: chain 15 and sc into the stitch next to the first one
(15) sc around the chain 15; slip stitch into base stitch
turn and slip stitch or sc around the handle again, secure into base stitch and tie off.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit