This is my new leg vise with a self locking quick action mechanism that I designed and it is so simple and made from common construction materials .
This idea of this started a couple of years ago and I made an attempt at it but something was missing and when I saw a post by RICK M on the workbench smackdown forum on the farm vise the wheels started turning again .
I analyzed the vise and looked at the comment and thought that if I took my idea and used the triangular beam system I could overcome the shortcomings and also add a quick release mechanism at a very low build cost .
I made a full size drawing of what I wanted to build and the construction went almost flawless as I had used most of the details before .
What amazed me is how well it operates being constructed from inexpensive common construction materials and hardware .
Then yesterday the final item crowned it ,a marquetry panel on the refurbished chop made by SHIPWRIGHT /Paul and it was even more pleasurable to operate .

If there is enough interest I will do a blog with the construction pictures that i took as I went on this .
Watch the video that I posted and I think you will agree and I think ROUBO would have liked this simple modern version of a leg vise .

Comments welcome good or not .



Thanks for sharing your ideas!
The biggest understatement I’ve heard lately is towards the end of your video: “Nothing special…just works great.” Please know that your “nothing special” ideas are some of the best ideas for work holding I’ve stumbled upon.

I would like to duplicate this so please post your construction and hardware details. It looks like there is a lot going on inside the chop.


the design is very simple and the chop has hidden parts as you maybe to tell from my rough sketch .
If you have questions just send me a message .


Excellent design.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

This is very well engineered Klaus and it looks great too. it’s been fun seeing all the different leg vise variations you have developed and this once looks like the ultimate design to me. I can see a lot of folks building this and enjoying the benefits of your design work.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Better and better and better again. Thanks for sharing this.

I was planning on building your v3 sliding leg vise. You mentioned that it had some shortcomings and you gave up on it. What was the problem? It looked like it worked flawlessly.

This one is much simpler. I don’t even need a sketch for this. I understand the build completely from your explanation in the video. One difference between the 2 vises is the opening can be virtually unlimited in the v3 vise, which was appealing if not as practical in real world use. But I’m very interested in what the failures were in the v3 vise.

Losing fingers since 1969

Thanks for the kind comment!
Yes this one turned out well and functions well ,it has less parts than any of the other vises and takes only about a day to build and very inexpensive to make .


Thanks for looking in and your interest but you got version two V2 and version three V3 mixed up .
This model is replacing the V2 on my work centre and the V3 is on my bench alive and well and will stay there no problems with V3 .
The V3 has some advantages over this like a foot pedal and larger opening capacity and also a TYPE 1 chop lever action .
If opening size matters a little thinking could likely increase the size on this one .

Thanks for clarifying that. I think I will still go for the v3 then! :-)

Losing fingers since 1969

It get better and Simpler in every iteration Klaus. Very special and practical.

Thanks for sharing your invention.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Klaus this is a heck of a vice, thanks for posting.

Mr. Klaus All the videos links says removed, is there a commercial future for your wonderful vise designs?

Another wow project ,so creative and well done,at least 10lbs worth :))

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker