For those of you who looked at my tea boxes last week, you know I was taking them and a bunch of other items to a show this past weekend. It was an...
Here’s a fun challenge for everyone: create a square, approximately 4" square, in any wood, any woodworking technique, any design, and post it as a...
Just WONDER -ing … What is the most beautiful piece of wood in your shop right now? We’d love to see a picture!
Inquiring minds want to know: For those of you who celebrate Christmas and other gift-giving holidays, … …when do you start making your hand-made p...
Just wondering…. What is your FAVOURITE part of the woodworking process?
When I grow up, I want to be …. I wonder: what would you be doing if you didn’t need money for living? What is your dream job?
If I wanted to cut a circle…. what are the options? What if I only have a circular saw? What if the circle is small? Large? What if …. What are the...
I wonder ….. what is and/or has been your biggest challenge in woodworking? (and how have you overcome it, worked around it, etc)
I wonder … what has been your biggest “wonder blunders”? Those “oops” with big lessons attached — and, of course, what you learned from the blunder!