Does anyone use pallets?


My wife has been bugging me to do some pallet projects that she saw on ipnterest or somewhere. Today I picked up 10 free pallets of a craigslist ad. I think I bit off a little more than I can chew with these things. They’re difficult to disassemble and fill of nails. 3 of them are oak. I cut off all the slats with a reciprocating saw and set them aside from the others, some of which will be used in part or whole for my wife’s planter projects and stuff.

I was thinking about using the oak stuff to make some table lamps or something and sell them on etsy. They get the “reclaimed” label which is really popular there.

The quality and yield of these oak pallets is pretty low. So far it’s been a heck of a lot of work just to get some order out of it. Does anyone else use pallets? They’re all over for free, which is very enticing but they’re a lot of work to get not much lumber out of them and the quality is still suspect – at least until I start working with it.

Who is using pallets?

Losing fingers since 1969

27 Replies

I have dismantled 2 palettes so far. I got them for free from work. We get a lot of them and those 2 looked better than most. I still have another 3 I left at work for later.
It is painful to dismantle the pallets. The first one I removed every nail and got longer boards.
The second one I pulled my jigsaw and cut between the support and got shorter runs.
I use them for hidden elements in project and also for trying piece for router setup and such.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I was kind of hoping someone would jump in and say, “look at all these beautiful things I made with pallets!” Hehe… I guess I’ll muddle through the mess I started and see what I can get out of it. :-)

Losing fingers since 1969

I have found the preparation work to be more than I bargained for: also, there is an ongoing concern about getting all of the nails out. I’ve ruined both jointer knives and miter saw blades, thinking that I have all of the nails, only to find one that the wood has obscured.
The wood selection is another issue – it used to be that virtually all pallets were oak; recently, I’m seeing more poplar and pine.

Thanks. I guess that’s more or less the last word on the issue and pretty much what I was thinking too, now that I already dived in head first. I guess the garbage man is not going to be too happy with me on Tuesday morning.

The other thing is that these pallets are covered in black dust from warehouses. Nasty stuff. I’ll work with what I have but I don’t think I’ll be doing this again.

Losing fingers since 1969

I use a fair amount of pallets as I have the time, and also I am into the recycling aspect of it all.
I just posted a box made from pallet-wood.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

I just looked at it. Very nice.

Losing fingers since 1969

4 pallets and about 6 hours of work (mostly nail pulling) yielded this musk lumber.

I doubt I will be doing this again but I’m going to do my best to make a few nice things with the lumber I have.

Losing fingers since 1969

They tend to make to top slate thinner these days…

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I made a grand champion award winning mirror-shelf-coatrack combination. I have to do some repairs to it, but it remains one of my favorite. It’s from reclaimed pallet wood.

It takes a bit if effort to reclaim wood, but there are some bargains out there that can be turned into high end product. I use some oak from wine vats, which has a lot of character.

Spiral nails are evil. Crow bars just pop their heads. My nail puller, because of its leverage and rocking motion, does well for their removal.

Nice. Do the wine barrel projects retain any of the color from the wine?

Losing fingers since 1969

Use some caution with pallets, some have been soaked with chemicals you don’t want to be ingesting. If there is any indication of staining, don’t use it.

There seem to be different grades of pallets as I’ve seen some with much thicker slat material. It is a lot of work, but the results can be worthwhile. Projects utilizing reclaimed/repurposed wood are becoming more popular. I have several clients that list reclaimed wood as a requirement.

Artisan Woodworks of Texas-

The wine fermenting slats have a beautiful red-ish tint, which goes as deep as an inch and a half into the wood. It’s random and fades in and out, so makes for a nice effect.

Bill’s right on the treatment, but, as he indicates, it should be obvious, until the wood is nearly not worth chasing.

I note the value of pallets change from place to place. For us Pacific Northwtners, pallets from the east offer a lot of oak, for example. Others offer up a lot of poplar.

When in doubt as to if staples or nails have been completely removed, I resort to my sanders. Other than having to avoid sparks in a vacuum/collector, there is no danger of damage to blades.

If you’re gonna work with pallets, or any reclaimed wood for that matter, go ahead and invest in a metal detector. I’ve used one of these for quite some time now ( and have been surprised at how well it works despite the fact it came from Harbor Freight.

I work with reclaimed wood quite a bit and using a metal detector is an absolute necessity. It only takes one hit on a blade, planer or jointer knife to pay for itself, not to mention the potential for shrapnel.

Artisan Woodworks of Texas-

That’s a great idea, Bill. I don’t plan on any work with this stuff for at least a few weeks so I definitely will head over to HF or look on amazon.

Losing fingers since 1969

I mentioned this to a friend at work and he told me he once picked up some south american pallets made out of Brazilian cherry. Nice find.

Losing fingers since 1969

God bless Amazon. Even cheaper than harbor freight and good reviews to boot:

One reviewer said to use the wand to find the nail and narrow down the location, then use a magnet to pinpoint the location. There’s a good idea.

Losing fingers since 1969

This : popped up on Youtube for me today. It seems to have some good ideas in it.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Brian, let me know how well that works.

Artisan Woodworks of Texas-

Some great ideas there. Especially knocking the nail IN to break the bond. I’ll have to remember that one.

Losing fingers since 1969