WoodworkingWeb Awards


Got the email with the following message…

“WoodworkingWeb Awards: Dovetail Joint
The Awards entry period is over and we ended up with 7 entries.
Now it’s time to pick your top 5 list and cast your vote.
Voting deadline is on Apr 30, 2016 at 6 PM GMT.”

I spent several minutes looking at each project. I made notes and finally came up with my top 5 list. Then I tried to vote… While looking around for the ballot box, I finally stumbled on the “Rules” tab and found that getting an email requesting my vote is really a hazing prank on your new members.

I think it’s a good idea to allow only the entrants to decide the winner. However, I think the text in the email should explain that or, send that email only to the 7 entrants.

13 Replies

Well, the rule is that you need to contribute. I’m sorry you feel “pranked” but feel free to contribute and all of that will go away.

The rule ensures that the community votes and that not any friend, relative or hired hand can skew the results.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

That’s not true, Mark.

Rules: “You are allowed to vote only if you have at least one creation listed on the WoodworkingWeb.com” (note: not in the Awards)

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

I’d like to add another thing and then I’ll shut up. There are tons of sites like this out there but you’ll be hard pressed to find one more giving. If you want advise on which tool to buy there are many that will tell you to buy the best sawstop, festool, 1950’s powermatic. If you just made something and it was tricky, if you struggled over something, then post a pic or two here and mention in the description what you strugggled with. You will be amazed at the positive and valuable feedback you will get. No one judges here (aside from the contests) and everyone loves the woodcraft.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

yeah, I’d be hard pressed to find any other online woodworking community that is as kind, helpful and good natured as the group on this site.

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

As a new member, I would like to apologize for making a suggestion for making the site easier for new members to understand. Please forgive me.

I have found the site to be very helpful and now that I understand the rules, I promise to keep my suggestions to myself.

Hi mark,

Don’t keep them to yourself, bring them on.
Constructive criticism is the best way to make thing better in my opinion.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Chill, the rules are fair but probably not too obvious. I’m sure Martin heard your suggestion and will make things more clear. Please contribute, express your ideas and become part of the community. I’m sure if you look at it clearly you’ll see the value of the rule. It keeps things fair.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

If it makes you feel better, I had the same confusion when I joined this site and spent 30min trying to figure out how to vote before finding out that I had to post a project first.

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario


apology accepted (from me anyway),
and ……….post that Ferrari 12 cylinder head gasket on a reclaimed wooden frame as a creation and your in!

Regards Rob

Oops, sorry I did the same thing. I knew the rules but as with a lot of things these days, I forgot. How about a big group (family) hug.


hugs all around

I love this site :)

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)


Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

ditto re: above!! Don’t keep your suggestions and feedback to yourself. The feedback is what makes our community stronger.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit