Today's shop clean up


With the whole day in the shop while waiting on deliveries today, I decided to to do some more organization. Today’s project was to hang all the jigs and hooks laying around the shop. I chose a wall space and started drilling and screwing. 20 minutes later I’m all set to build another batch of jigs. I don’t know why it took so many years to get at such a simple thing.

Even the old girl thinks it’s an improvement.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

How do you keep the recliner clean? Nice and Clean shop, love the space.


Great work Chris, only wish I could get mine half that organized. My problem is if I work 3 hours on something, when I finish with a tool I lay it where ever I happen to be at the time. Then at the end of 3 hours I spend an hour putting things up. What makes it worst is the shop is 34 by 54 so that is a lot of walking. Anyway, congrats, you are looking good.


Thanks guys. Jack I think the answer is OCD, my wifey complains about it at least twice a day. Lol, it’s probably true. Lol James, the recliner is actually loaned to me, the dog owns it! If I am not on it the dog is, thereby the dog gets covered in saw dust. Lol

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Ha, awesome! Love that you made room for the recliners. Very civilized!


Good work Chris. I wish I had room for a recliner in my shop. Of course if I did nothing at all would get built.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Looking good Chris.

My shop has not seen any activity for a while, nothing to clean (:

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA